FHAN Advisors / Allison Kastner

Allison Kastner

South Florida

Currently based in South Florida with roots in New York City, I continue to make connections around the world while living an abundant life filled with travel. I design rockstar itineraries to share that feeling of “joie de vivre” (the joy of living) I get when exploring new places, different cultures and the beauty around the world. As your travel concierge, I will tailor your travel experiences and provide top quality guidance that will leave you with memories of a lifetime. Whether it is leisure travel, corporate travel, special occasions, a bucket list trip, a wellness trip, etc. let’s book your dream trip!

I have a background in global event planning, marketing and luxury hospitality. I truly believe “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.”

I can talk about travel quotes all day but will leave you with this well-known quote -“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain

Life is an amazing adventure to explore, let's create an unforgettable chapter in your journey together!

More About Allison

Favorite Destinations —

Capetown, South Africa

Areas of Specialty —

Designing unique experiences
Soulful adventures
Wellness retreats
Luxury resorts
Travel tips

Fun Facts —

I lived in an Ashram in India for a month studying philosophies of yoga and wellness, earning certification to teach yoga;
I have been to 50+ countries and counting;
I started a travel podcast around the world named Wifi Chasers

Get in Touch with Allison