FHAN Advisors / Cali Stein

Cali Stein

West Hempstead, New York

Coming to Four Hundred with several years as a Luxury Travel Advisor at Travel Edge and Embark, Cali Stein is thrilled to be the Director of the Four Hundred Advisor Network. With experience working for an Indian Ocean DMC, Cali is excited to use her knowledge on both the Travel Advisor and Supplier side to help other Advisors grow their business.

More About Cali

Favorite Destinations —

Maldives, Morocco, Greece, Italy, France, New Orleans

Areas of Specialty —

Europe, Caribbean, Asia, Middle East, Indian Ocean, Caribbean

Fun Facts —

I have lived in Australia, Spain, Israel, and New Orleans. I am an original New Yorker.

I used to teach Zumba, and was in a Mardi Gras Dance Krewe when I lived in New Orleans.

I met my Husband in the beginning of COVID-oops!

Get in Touch with Cali