FHAN Advisors / Megan Vatnsdal

Megan Vatnsdal

Bismarck, North Dakota

Megan Vatnsdal lives in North Dakota, and is married to her college sweetheart. They live in a 110-year-old home and have two cats that they taught how to sit. She thrives in the fast-paced entrepreneurial world that is being a travel advisor, and specializes in bucket travel for couples and families seeking authentic experiences.

More About Megan

Favorite Destinations —

Greece, Costa Rica, South America, African safaris, and any experiential travel related to food and wine

Areas of Specialty —

As Megan owns a wedding planning business in addition to her travel business, she loves planning honeymoons and destination weddings. She additionally specializes in bucket list and experiential travel, as well as river cruising.

Fun Facts —

Megan was a synchronized figure skater for over 12 years. She doesn't watch TV often, but when she does, it's Friends or the Good Place on repeat. Believe it or not, beach destinations don't excite her as a traveler. She needs to keep busy with adventures and craves destination and culture immersion.

Get in Touch with Megan